Back in October I went to the Clash of Kings Kings of War tournament having hardly played KoW all year. I didn't expect to do well and was very surprised to come 2nd. As a prize I got a Mantic ogre army set which means I will now be painting up an ogre army for KoW.
I had some ogres from the first Kings of War Kickstarter and I bought a few more models (more warriors, some chariots and some command models) to round out the army and off I set.
After working out a colour scheme I had a complete tidy of my workbench and kept only the paints and paint brushes required for this project. This has speeded things up can cut down the amount of time I usually spend hunting for the right paint and remembering which colours to use.

And here are the first fruits of the project - a units of ogre warriors:-

And a unit of ogre shooters:-

Next up some more warriors and shooters hopefully followed by some more interesting stuff.