Friday, 4 January 2013

Objective acquired

So I’ve already pointed out that 2013 might already be a write off from the perspective of the pledge, I simply have too many miniatures coming my way from KickStarters to be able to succeed unless I manage to pack in 2-3 years of painting effort into this year. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to be able to paint that many models it’s just that life in general, heath and other things conspire to give me a lot less painting time than I would like.

So if failure on the pledge itself is the most likely outcome then what objectives can I set myself for 2013 to keep up my motivation?

1) Play more games
Okay so the sharp eyed amongst you have maybe spotted that this isn’t actually a painting objective but getting to use the miniatures I’ve painted does help with the motivation to play more. My good friend Mr Dale has been on at me about this one for a while and I did make more of an effort in 2012 having regular games against Daniel. Hopefully 2013 will see more games played with a variety of armies and possibly new opponents.

2) Don’t make any impulse purchases
With a stack load of minis heading my way already I really must avoid adding to the problem further with impulse purchases. Buying miniatures in general should be avoided unless I’m plugging a specific gap in an army or trying to make it legal for tournament restrictions.

3) Paint at least 4 DreadBall teams
Having bought DreadBall I’d like to play some games with it. At the very least I’d like to get the four teams from season 1 painted up and ready to play by the end of Q1.

4) Paint my Dwarf Army
At the beginning of almost every year I think to myself that I really need to finish my Dwarf army. This year I really need to put some serious effort into it. I now have the colour scheme and the techniques all sorted so all that’s required is for me to get on with it and not get SQUIRREL! distracted.

Of course there’s plenty more I’d like to do as well but we’ll just have to see if there’s time.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

The scale of the problem (2013 edition)

As is tradition, here is a glimpse of what still remains in the lead pile.

28mm Scale Projects

Orcs and Goblins
System: Warhammer and KoW
Status: Several hundred figures painted, some more in the lead pile
Comments: Arachnarok and Orc spears painted in 2012.

System: Warhammer
Status: 18 knights started, about 100 more models unpainted. No progress in 2012.

System: Warhammer and KoW
Status: 75% unpainted, about 100-150 models in total.
Comments: One unit of Dwarf Warriors painted during 2012.

High Elves
System: Warhammer and KoW
Status: Almost all painted (if you don't count the 80 miniatures still shrink wrapped)
Comments: Magnetised (again) and slightly expanded (again) in 2012.

Blood Angels
System: Warhammer 40K
Status: Mostly finished.
Comments: Over 2500 points + options available for use. Not a bean painted or purchased this year.

Space Hulk
System: Space Hulk
Status: Completed!
Comments: Completed in 2012.

System: DreadBall
Status: Just arrived (Christmas 2012).
Comments: Full Striker package + extras. Colour scheme testers done for two teams.

SWAT teams and Criminals
System: Officer Down, about 40 models in total.
Status: 80% painted
Comments: The problem with this project is that it needs more scenery. No progress in 2012.

10/15mm Scale Projects

Aliens and Marines, High Elves Undead, Dark Elves, Mongols, Later Muslim Indian, Later Achmeneid Persian
Systems: DBA, HOTT etc
Status: No progress during 2012.

2012 - Pass, Fail or Epic Fail?

So how did I do with the pledge in 2012? Surely not buying a miniature for the first half of 2012 must have helped?

Well it turns out it was a bit of a mixed bag. I managed to paint up a stack of stuff, some of which had been in the painting queue for ten years or so. The bad news can be summed up in a single word - Kickstarter! Oh dear. And not only has Kickstarter scuppered 2012, it has also doomed 2013 as well.

So without prolonging the agony further, by my reckoning I painted the equivalent of about 118 miniatures in 2012 ... but I bought the equivalent of 144. Aaarg! Fail.

Without the dreadball kickstarter that would have been 118 vs 93 which would have been much better. Even worse 2013 will see 70+ minis arrive from the Sedition Wars Battle for Alabaster KS and another cart load from the Kings of War KS (with more to come from elsewhere). Add to that the Mantic sale which caught me in a weak moment and I have a real mountain to climb in 2013.

I shall not despair! I think it is time to take stock and set some priorities for the coming year.