Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Murphy's law

Officer Murphy was one of Carnage's most dedicated officers until 'the incident'. Now his pursuit of justice is so single minded it is almost robotic earning him the nickname ... AndriodCop.

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Murphy is for the 'special missions' section of Officer Down.

Monday, 9 June 2014

All present and correct

As promised I've cleared a load of dwarves off my workbench. Firstly another rank of GW plastics.

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And then some BTD metals that I rather like.

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Looking in my dwarf army box it is actually beginning to look like I could have a serviceable army painted up with a bit more effort applied. I've been painting the occasional rank or two here and there for a while and it has all been adding up.

But this week's big painting item is some ponies from SLAP Miniatures. I bought these earlier in the year as I had promised to buy some if they ever went into production. I wasn't sure what to do with them but with my youngest daughter's 8th birthday coming up I decided to paint them up as a birthday present for her.

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I have put on two layers of varnish but even so I don't expect them to stay intact for long.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

The rat pack

I've been meaning to paint up the giant rats and rat swarms from the Reaper Bones kickstarter for a while as they are very handy in a lot of low level D&D adventures. This week I have been laid low with tonsillitis so I decided to paint something easy when I eventually felt up to it and here are the results:-

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Next up - something completely different! After that I will be finishing some dwarves who seem to have invaded my painting space. I think I dug them our when I was play testing Hellfire and Stone.