Following on from a similar post last year I thought I'd have a look at what remains in the lead pile.
28mm Scale Projects
Orcs and Goblins
System: Warhammer
Status: 300 or so figures painted, 50 more or so in the lead pile
Comments: Over 3000 points + options available for use. 40 or so models added in 2008.
Orcs and Goblins
System: Song of Blades and Heroes
Status: Completed in 2008.
System: Warhammer
Status: 18 knights started, about 100 more models unpainted. No progress in 2008.
System: Warhammer
Status: 98% unpainted, about 100-150 models in total.
Comments: At least they're assembled. Should be 2500-3000 points easily when done. Started work on them in December 2008.
Blood Angels
System: Warhammer 40K
Status: Still about 1/3 of the army unfinished.
Comments: Over 1500 points + options available for use. No progress in 2008.
SWAT teams and Criminals
System: Officer Down, about 40 models in total.
Status: 80% painted
Comments: The problem with this project is that it needs more scenery. No progress in 2008.
10/15mm Scale Projects
Aliens and Marines
System: Xenomorph
Status: In the post
Comment: A late 2007 purchase. About 40-60 models in total. No progress in 2008.
High Elves
System: HOTT
Status: Unpainted (48 points + options). No progress in 2008.
Wood Elves
System: HOTT
Status: Completed in 2008.
System: HOTT
Status: Unpainted. No progress in 2008.
System: DBA
Status: Unpainted. No progress in 2008.
Later Muslim Indian
System: DBA
Status: Unpainted. No progress in 2008.
Later Achmeneid Persian
System: DBA
Status: 30% Painted. No progress in 2008.
Summary - there's plenty in the lead pile to be getting on with.
The continuing struggle of one gamer to keep to "the pledge". Can he paint more miniatures than he buys? Can he make a significant dent in his lead pile? Read on and find out.
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
End of year round-up 2008
And now, the end is here
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clear
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clear
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
Well that was 2008. Yes I know that there's a few hours left but the PNKD has kicked in and I don't think I'll be doing any more buying or painting in the remaining time.
First off the headline figures (pun intended).
Miniatures Bought: 44
Miniatures Painted: 86
Miniatures Sold: 42 (all unpainted)
So in the 28mm category I managed to reduce the lead pile by 84 miniatures. If I hadn't succumbed to the lure of collecting an all female army then those stats would have been even better.
... or taking another view of this year's progress I have added two new units to my Warhamer Orc and Goblin army and replaced my old classic citadel giant with something a bit more imposing. I have also created a new skirmish force for Song of Blades and Heroes expanding my green hordes into yet another system.
Stands Bought: 0
Stands Painted: 34
Stands Sold: 12 (all unpainted)
On the 15mm front its all good news, nothing bought and two armies worth of miniatures painted up. The lead pile didn't quite dip by 46 stands as some of the stands painted were squigs that I'd made myself from greenstuff. The woodelf army I completed was listed as being 80% complete in my January the 9th post as well.
This year's 15mm painting effort means that I now have a new army to play with (Wood Elves) and I've expanded my Night Goblins so that they're a much more useable force.
What about 2009?
I've enjoyed trying to keep to the pledge and it has been quite effective at reducing the lead pile so I've decided to sign on for the pledge again for 2009. See here for details.
What didn't I get done?
To be honest I didn't get as much painted as I had hoped really. I have all my excuses lined up ... I moved house, things have been rather hectic and also my PNKD has been worse than its been for about 10 years or so. This is actually the first time I can remember tracking a year's output so I don't know how it compares with what I've accomplished in previous years. I still have plenty to work on and at the current rate I think I could carry on with the pledge until 2012 before running out of miniatures in the lead pile.
Thanks to all of you who have stopped by and taken the time to read some of my ramblings. See you in the new year.
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
And now for something much smaller.
Its been difficult getting painting time recently as my PNKD has claimed a fair share of my free time. I finally got a chance to finish some more miniatures - four skull pass dwarves I'm using as colour scheme testers. I've got a few more on the go but I'm a way off having anything like a usable force.

Saturday, 6 December 2008
Stand up and be counted
I've finished the giant! I'd been hoping to be able to finish him earlier in the week but my PNKD was too bad for me to hold a paintbrush. Fortunately this afternoon things were different so now he's done.

I counted him as 10 miniatures on my purchases list so that's 10 miniatures done in one swell foop.
Miniatures Bought: 44
(1 giant [counts as 10 28mm miniatures]
11 Maidenhead infantry
6 Winged women
5 light centaurs
6 Sabre tooth cat riders [counts as 2 each])
Miniatures Painted: 82
(21 Savage Orcs
20 Black Orcs
1 Goblin Boss
29 Nemesis Goblins
1 Orc Boss
1 giant [counts as 10 28mm miniatures])
Miniatures Sold: 42 (all unpainted)
Stands Bought: 0
Stands Painted: 34
(23 Night Goblins
11 Wood Elves)
Stands Sold: 12 (all unpainted)
The pledge is going well.

I counted him as 10 miniatures on my purchases list so that's 10 miniatures done in one swell foop.
Miniatures Bought: 44
(1 giant [counts as 10 28mm miniatures]
11 Maidenhead infantry
6 Winged women
5 light centaurs
6 Sabre tooth cat riders [counts as 2 each])
Miniatures Painted: 82
(21 Savage Orcs
20 Black Orcs
1 Goblin Boss
29 Nemesis Goblins
1 Orc Boss
1 giant [counts as 10 28mm miniatures])
Miniatures Sold: 42 (all unpainted)
Stands Bought: 0
Stands Painted: 34
(23 Night Goblins
11 Wood Elves)
Stands Sold: 12 (all unpainted)
The pledge is going well.
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