Wednesday, 29 April 2015

What a load of rubbish

A bit more scenery just to break things up a little. This is a load of Mantic Mars Attacks scenery which I got as part of the kickstarter campaign. Some of the pieces are plastic and the others are resin.

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These will provide some welcome cover in our games of Officer Down.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

They see me rollin'

And the ogre chariots are finally complete. These chaps have taken longer than expected to finish and have been languishing part completed on my workbench for some time. Its good to see them done - now I can press on with something else.

A regiment of three chariots:-

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And an ogre character on chariot.

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Not sure what will be next - maybe some more ogre rank and file.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Ogres of character and distinction

Its been a while since I have progressed my ogre army. I had a game the other week using the Ogres with the KoW playtest rules and they were very brutal and fun to play too. The experience rekindled my enthusiasm for getting the army painted up so I got on with the ogre characters who have been sitting on my workbench since January or so. I'm quite pleased with how these turned out.

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And a group shot.

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I'm now working on some charioteers, hopefully I can finish them soon and get cracking on the rest of the army.