Tuesday, 16 December 2008

And now for something much smaller.

Its been difficult getting painting time recently as my PNKD has claimed a fair share of my free time. I finally got a chance to finish some more miniatures - four skull pass dwarves I'm using as colour scheme testers. I've got a few more on the go but I'm a way off having anything like a usable force.

Dwarf Colour Scheme testers


Anonymous said...

Good looking dwarves.

What's your plan for the army overall? Themed war machines, gunline, elite infantry blocks or slayers, or a balanced force?

Maccwar said...

Its a bit of a mix. Plenty of infantry backed up with warmachines and handgunners. Will probably look nice on the tabletop but be completely ineffective. :-)

Anonymous said...

I've always found the balanced army suits me, and that sounds like where I'd go with dwarves, if I was to start an army.

It's rare I'll actually roll out something extreme in any way, and when I have I usually get punished for it. For instance, I take a mechanised Iron Warrior all-out assault force with me. Opponent puts down a Necron phalanx on a fairly bare field, led by Nightbringer...

Maccwar said...

The problem with dwarves is that with the way things work on WHFB these days you'll never get to make the charges and the stuff which will charge you will hit so hard you're bound to be auto-broken before you get to make any attacks back.

You do get the tools to try and kill your enemies harder units before you even get to your lines, but I'm not really seeing this project as being a really competitive army but should be a nice match up for my own orcs.

Anonymous said...

Um. Apart from Blood Dragons and Chosen Knights, what else hits hard enough to slaughter that many Dwarves? Especially if the little rotters are Stubborn or Fearless.

I do have a way round that sort of nastiness of course. High Elfs all get to strike first as a racial ability. White Lions with S6 Great Axes and Stubborn, or Swordmasters with S5 and 2 attacks each are going to make heavy cavalry unhappy.

Anonymous said...

Some comments from a lurker.

Due to dwarfs armies not having any fancy eye catchers I would chose two saturarted complmentary colors as a base and add some ligther brown shades to make the wooden areas and leather parts more interesting.

all up to personal taste though.

Maccwar said...

Thanks for the comments. I think the colours look a bit more washed out in the photo than they do in real life, the contrast is brighter than it looks. I might lighten it still further to make it more visible at a unit level though.

The shields on some of the other colour scheme testers are split green and white which I think probably looks better as well.