Monday, 3 February 2014

Dressing up

A while back I asked Dan which bones minis I should paint next and was surprised when he chose the dungeon set dressing.

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This is the first batch - an altar, sarcophagus, a well and a couple of candelabras. I have a couple of others coming along too as well as a heap of other things on my workbench nearing completion.


Tristan M said...

very cool I'll have to see if I can pick those up from someone who pledged on bones.

adeptgamer said...

Very well done dungeon pieces. These are the kinds of things you always need when gaming but never have available.

Maccwar said...

Now I just need to find an adventure to use them in.

You can get these from Miniature Heroes:-

77136: Well of Chaos
77137: Sarcophagus
77138: Treasure Pile & Candleabra