Tuesday, 26 January 2010

March of the Elves

Mantic Elves

Mantic Elves

Mantic Elves

And I've already made a start on the Penguins, but I'll save that for another post.


fiendil said...

Wow. You've been busy.

I wasn't impressed with what I'd seen of the Mantic elf models, but those look good.

Gah. Mustn't get inspired to get paint on the High Elves. I've got to get the planned chunks of the Cryx, Germans, Mid Nor and Lost & Damned done first.

Mustn't get inspired to get paint on the High Elves. Mustn't get inspired to get paint on the High Elves. Mustn't get inspired to get paint on the High Elves.

fiendil said...

Are the elves getting any heavier support? Monsters, chariots or cavalry?

Maccwar said...

The plan is to add an extra 1250 points including cavalry, eagles, elite infantry and a dragon.

Mantic haven't revealed any plans for eagles yet so I'll probably get some gamezone ones. I would have liked to get the eBob ones but they don't have bases and the P&P is steep.

The rest will probably be Mantic though as the Palace Guard look promising and the Cavalry is coming out soon.

(Paint High Elves
Paint High Elves
Paint High Elves
Paint High Elves)