Okay I'm a wargamer with the attention span of a mayfly with ADD. I've managed to get sidetracked again.
On Monday I played two games of Hordes of The Things at the club with my (recently rescued from storage) 15mm HOTT armies and I had a lot of fun (despite losing both times). When talking to Tim I lamented the fact that I designed my armies years ago and they weren't very competative. I also mentioned that I had originally purchased many of my armies as 48ap (two command) armies rather than the 24ap we were using and that I still had loads more in the lead pile to paint. Well last night I cracked and dug out the remainder of the troops I had purchased fot my 15mm HOTT night goblin army. After laying it all out on the table I tok the plunge and washed the lot, mounted the miniatures on card strips ready for painting and undercoated the lot.
This morning I was faced with the entire lot (now dry) sat on the kitchen table. Its not so bad really, it should be a quick project to finish and then I can get back to my painting priorities list which seems to be quite different from what I have actually been getting on with.
As well as painting and basing I still have a little more sculpting to do to add legs and tails on to the angry peas (green stuff squigs) so I'll probably combine this with adding clothing to the next batch of Maidenhead babes.